As we go along in life, there are certain traits that are a part of a person’s personality to make them act or behave in certain ways. Did you ever wonder why you do certain things? Or where is a particular feeling coming from. Well, we as people have a soul that inhabits our mind, will, and emotions, but we also have a spirit and when our spirit links with the Holy Spirit that means that we have confessed our sins and repented of them and linked ourselves to the Son of God/Son of Man Christ Jesus/The Messiah for the atonement/remission of our sins, so that we will be able to be back in right relationship with our Creator God/ The LORD GOD. I know everyone has their opinion, which means I am entitled to mine. Christ/the Messiah died to atone our sins, He took on our sins and then made a way for us to have eternal life, He was also raised from the dead on the third day, by God the Father. When a person believes these things, they are saved, but first they must confess their sins a...
This blog is to inspire and empower people and promote positive things with substance and purpose.