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Showing posts from 2016

Character Traits The 7 Deadly Sins vs. The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

As we go along in life, there are certain traits that are a part of a person’s personality to make them act or behave in certain ways. Did you ever wonder why you do certain things? Or where is a particular feeling coming from. Well, we as people have a soul that inhabits our mind, will, and emotions, but we also have a spirit and when our spirit links with the Holy Spirit that means that we have confessed our sins and repented of them and linked ourselves to the Son of God/Son of Man Christ Jesus/The Messiah for the atonement/remission of our sins, so that we will be able to be back in right relationship with our Creator God/ The LORD GOD. I know everyone has their opinion, which means I am entitled to mine. Christ/the Messiah died to atone our sins, He took on our sins and then made a way for us to have eternal life, He was also raised from the dead on the third day, by God the Father. When a person believes these things, they are saved, but first they must confess their sins a...