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Showing posts from 2017

Does Courting Happen Any More?

In this day and age, people have so many forms of communication, yet it seems that we are still so disconnected.  There is social media, and tons of dating websites, but there are so many people playing games or not really interested in a relationship, but they are more interested in having sexual relationships with people they do not know rather than courting someone for marriage.  People still do get married, let's just be clear, but they likelihood that the couple have children already or have had a sexual relationship before marriage is extremely high.  There are rare cases when both people are young and still virgins when they get married, but that is not the norm anymore, it is great, but not the norm.  Our society has different definitions placed on dating, and courting almost sounds ancient, because people want to see how someone is in bed before they make their decision to marry someone, but they are not really as concerned about finding out another persons...

Becoming a Champion

  Motivation is not something you can see, it's not something you can touch, but it is something you can feel and obtain, but it starts from within. This year I have been raising awareness for Final Salute Inc. which is an organization that helps at-risk or homeless female Veterans.  The finals for the Ms. Veteran America competition is coming up on October 8, 2017 and I am a finalist.  I was able to complete my first documentary Monique Lynelle's Journey , and had my first show aired on television, The Monique Lynelle Show .  I started my business with Mary Kay as an Independent Beauty Consultant and I'm working on new music.  I'm not saying all this to brag or act like I've got it made, but my life hasn't all been great and some of the struggles are what have made me the overcomer that I am.  I dealt with moving around as a teen to different states so having stable friendships was scarce, but I kept my relation...

Winning is a Choice from the Start!

Choose to win in your life, by thinking like a winner.  See the goal, take the steps to achieve the goal and go for what want.  No one comes out of the womb winning, but the hard times make you who you are and character and determination are built and it all starts with a thought, then with an action, then with the follow through. It's time to win! Monique Lynelle Gray

Organization Making a Difference

Final Salute Inc. is an organization that helps female Veterans in transition, at-risk, or homeless.  It is a shame that there are so many women that have served their country and then when they need help there is no one to lend a helping hand, that is why it is important to support organizations like Final Salute Inc. to exist. There are links to tell you about the founder, and about a few of their other events that help benefit lady Vets in need. They have events like Stand Up, Ms. Veteran America, and more. You can always visit the website at   I just happen to be running for Ms. Veteran America so you can go to to donate and support this organization.  Also, take a look at and  Take a look at this PSA below. Thanks

Think Yourself into Your Destiny

There are so many things a person can think about, but when I watched this video I was inspired to see myself where I am going. To reach my potential and my best self I have to see myself being able to overcome the obstacles on the journey to my greatness. There has been no other time in my life like now, so many decisions, so many opportunities, so many obstacles, but I have goals and to achieve those goals, it takes guts, heart, belief not just in myself, but who I am meant to be on this earth. I am a piece of a puzzle and for the puzzle to be completed I have to play my part, be my piece. I have to connect to the piece of the puzzle that belongs next to me for the puzzle to be completed. I can overcome obstacles and so can you, but how willing are you to put in the work to reach your potential. It all starts with a thought, think about it... Written by Monique Lynelle Gray

Women's History Month

Women have had to endure so many obstacles throughout the years, whether it was the fight for equal pay in a position or dealing with discrimination before even obtaining a position. Women have become bread winners in families and parenting with no father in the home. It is unfortunate that there are so many single mother's, even if the woman was married previously. Women are business owner's, manager's, doctor's, in Congress, in the military, athletes, musicians, mother's, sister's, daughters, and so much more. There was a question online about "why isn't there a men's month?" When I first saw that I was like "duh," we obviously don't get enough respect, attention, and accolades for the contribution's we have made to this world. Although women have come a long way from the suffrage movement there are still everyday struggles that women endure and have to face daily. The one thing that a man can never do is be a woman, so a...

Black History - American History Too!

Black History Month, wow what a subject. Here it is 2017 and some of still are hearing for the first time about the meaning of Black History Month and why it was necessary in the United States of America. Take a look at the clip below, it talks about the origin of the first Negro History Week in 1926, which was started by historian Carter G. Woodson and the prominent minister Jesse E. Moorland who were founders of the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH), this organization supported the idea of the Negro History Week. Black History Facts President Gerald R. Ford officially recognized Black History Month in 1976, calling upon the public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”   Now that people are more educated and understand that African-American people are more than just a color, but there are many different ethnic groups of color in ...