Motivation is not something you can see, it's not something you can touch, but it is something you can feel and obtain, but it starts from within. This year I have been raising awareness for Final Salute Inc. which is an organization that helps at-risk or homeless female Veterans. The finals for the Ms. Veteran America competition is coming up on October 8, 2017 and I am a finalist. I was able to complete my first documentary Monique Lynelle's Journey , and had my first show aired on television, The Monique Lynelle Show . I started my business with Mary Kay as an Independent Beauty Consultant and I'm working on new music. I'm not saying all this to brag or act like I've got it made, but my life hasn't all been great and some of the struggles are what have made me the overcomer that I am. I dealt with moving around as a teen to different states so having stable friendships was scarce, but I kept my relation...
This blog is to inspire and empower people and promote positive things with substance and purpose.