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Showing posts from April, 2021

Monday Motivation - Keep Climbing Some people have hills to climb, others have mountains, either way the journey starts with one step and leads to many. Looking back should be a reminder of how far you've come, not something that pulls you down. Looking forward should be hopeful for what you will accomplish. Learning from the past, enjoying the moment, and pressing toward your future should help you climb your hills and mountains. One step at a time. I hope you keep climbing and you can achieve greatness. Monique Lyn elle Gray

Monday Motivation - Be a Go Getter

Monday Motivation - Commitment

Commitment means "the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc." according to the Oxford Languages Dictionary. Commitment means so much more than a word that is attached to something you have to do, it is something that takes dedication and devotion. Some people are afraid to commit, because they are scared of failing. I realized that the things I have accomplished in my life, the relationships that lasted for a duration of time or throughout the years were things or people I commited to or I valued the time I put in to that particular thing or person. Okay, I know that might seem vague, but I was able to look at what something meant in my life and I made it a priority. When I didn't put time or effort into something, I didn't get the result I desired. I have never been afraid to commit to a process, but I realized that everything cannot be a priority at all times. Time management, setting goals, being determined to do something are all part of ...