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Women are Veteran's Too!

November is a month to celebrate Veterans and it is National Native American Heritage Month. This month at NASA there was a tribute to Veterans and there were two former Naval Pilots in our midst Ms. Judy Bruner, Ms. Kay Hire, and Ms. Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour. As an Army Veteran myself it is great to see other women that have served their country, our country honorably and actually flew plans and were and are trailblazers in our country. Below is some information on each person. Kay Hire not only was a Naval Pilot, she became an astronaut first female in the U.S. military to be assigned to a combat aircrew. Judy Bruner was a P-3 Aircraft Commander, and the first female pilot to fly an aircraft in the middle of a hurricane. Vernice "FlyGirl" Armour was the first African-American female pilot in the U.S. Marine Corps’ and, she was recognized as America’s first African-American female combat pilot by the Department of Defense. Each Veteran has a different story, yet they still have so many similarities. I salute them all and below are videos of each Veteran. Happy Holidays. Also check out this short story entitled The Frog Race. 


Kay Hire
Judy Bruner

Vernice "FlyGirl" Armour

Author of this blog - Monique Lynelle - Army Veteran

At NASA Veterans Event Nov 2016 with Kay Hire & Judy Bruner


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