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Monday Motivation - Peace of Mind

Peace and Peace of Mind
Peace is defined in a number of ways, so today I am going to take the time to share with you a few definitions and explain why Peace is so important. Today's topic was sparked by a sermon I just listened to on Sunday, and it reminded me of how important Peace is and how having Peace of Mind can help you through all kinds of circumstances in life. According to Merriam-Webster Peace is defined as "1 : a state of tranquility or quiet: such as. a : freedom from civil disturbance Peace and order were finally restored in the town. b : a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom a breach of the peace." According to Cambridge, Peace is defined as "the state of not being interrupted or annoyed by worry, problems, noise, or unwanted actions, along with, "freedom from war and violence, especially when people live and work together happily without disagreements." Peace is defined by as, "1 the normal, nonwarring condition of a nation, group of nations, or the world. 2 (often initial capital letter) an agreement or treaty between warring or antagonistic nations, groups, etc., to end hostilities and abstain from further fighting or antagonism: 3 a state of mutual harmony between people or groups, especially in personal relations: 4 the normal freedom from civil commotion and violence of a community; public order and security:" When a person is in a war, literally, they are not experiencing peace, but having peace of mind is something that a person can choose to have within. Years ago while I was stationed at Fort Hood, TX, things were going on all around me and I saw people deploying and coming back from various war zones and I wrote a song called "Peace" placing value on having peace, asking who really has it and can I have it. I was coming from a standpoint of a soldier at war and the way you feel during a time that is chaotic. I am sure people around the world understand so much more what it looks like to experience civil, social and personal unrest, so most of us would embrace peace of mind, even if our circumstances are not welcoming peace. Pastor Keith Battle spoke at my church on Sunday, February 7, 2021 and entitled his message "The Journey to Peace" and for those who know me and know I am big on the topic of journey's in one's life, thus, one of my books and documentary with the word. The Pastor gave some great advise about getting to peace, he said "you have to have trust, prayer, thanks, and abide in the Lord." Now some people might embrace my belief, but there are some things that we all desire universally and inner strength and peace come from having a desire to have those things and being deligent about having it in your life. I think you cannot truly have joy if you don't welcome peace in your life. I encourage everyone to seek inner peace and welcome that fruit of the Spirit in your life. I welcome peace and peace of mind in my life in the midst of chaos and distress. Have a great week and welcome peace. Monique Lyn elle Gray Peace the song -


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