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Showing posts from January, 2021

Monday Motivation - Joy

Joy is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as "the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires: Delight. Another definition for Joy is "a state of happiness or felicity: Bliss" Joy is something that combats eternal sadness. During this time lots of people are still very overwhelmed, but with Joy the hard times don't seem as intense. Being able to laugh at yourself or at situations that you cannot control can help, so I hope people will find the things in life that help enhance their Joy. Have a great week everyone!

A Time for Prayer

Greetings, As times change and mindsets change, it is time to pray once again. Prayer is defined as "a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship", according to the Oxford Dictionary. All of us have a right to believe what we would like to believe, but today I am posting a video of my prayer for this country, whether people agree or not, I think prayer is needed for our country and it needs to be more consistant. Our country is in a very sensitive time and we need to have the LORD directing us, our creator, and we need salvation from the Lord to be able to have that connection. Life is not easy, but without leadership from GOD, we will fail. We need to realize some rough truths and look in the mirror to see how each and every one of us can make things better in this world. Time is not waiting for us, so why not PRAY. Monique Lyn elle Gray

A Revolutionary - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. meant so much to the Civil Rights movement, and there are so many things that a person could say about him, but his actions spoke louder than words. He showed us that standing up for yourself and your race was not the wrong thing to do, but he showed us that utilizing strategies that would get positive results was the way to go. He was a great leader and his wisdom concerning the Civil Rights movement was unique and like a thunderous sound even when he was leading quietly. I will attach a documentary about Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and I hope you learn something great about the man, the cause, and his hopes for our countries future. Monique Lyn elle Gray

Motivational Monday - New Year "Eye of the Tiger"

Happy New Year Everyone! I know I took a little time away, R&R (Rest and Relaxation) is needed in everyone's life at some point. I hope you all have been able to have some great times with your family and friends safely. I am single and alone a lot, but I get the best naps when no one else is around. I wanted to share with you all the best theme/motivational song of all times in my opinion, you guessed it, "Eye of the Tiger." I absolutely love this song for a number of reasons, but I attached the video today for you all to view. If you are feeling down, blue, or unenthused, this song will get you pumped up and ready to get things done. This is a new year, but you still have to do self checks and then aim high with the goals you set. If you have not set new goals for this year, I challenge you to do so, as I have and will also. We have to keep going, but you don't want to wonder aimlessly in the wilderness with no direction, instead you want to have a purpose for ...