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Showing posts from 2020

Monday Motivation - Don't Give Up!

Today is the first day of the rest of your life, you can't give up now, because then you won't be who you could be if you did not give up. Be encouraged, trouble will not last always. Find your purpose and your passion and don't stop even if you rest for a while, because you are called to be you, and if you are not who you are called to be, then who will do it? Who will be a better you, than you? Find yourself and be the best you that you can be. Have an awesome week. Monique Lyn elle Gray

Thinking Yourself into Success

Motivational Monday - Be Brave

As we go through life tough times come and go, but we sometimes face adversity and need to make sure that we are going forth with courage, being brave and stepping out on faith until you reach your highest potential. Being strong is not always something that is physical, but is a combination of things, your mental agility helps your body to move, your will can help you achieve things that your body might not been able to do by itself, and having great emotional intelligence can help you deal with hard moments you are presented with in life. When you are brave, it is not something that is always planned, it involves determination, overcoming, hard work, showing up, helping others, it is more than a mindset, it is a way of life. Today, choose to be brave. If you don't try something, you will never find out how brave you are. Today, choose to try. Think like a winner, and win. Monique Lyn elle Gray

Give Thanks - Thanksgiving Week

Hello and Happy Thanksgiving Week, It is my great pleasure to invite you all to give thanks with me. This year has been rough, tough, hard, crazy, you name it. I call it a 2020 kind of year, however, we are all here and able to say things about whatever we choose, which means we can choose to give thanks. I started this year out with a "Thankful List," this list consisted of all kinds of things that I could think of to be thankful or grateful for in my life. Some people might not think this is important, but it helps us realize some of the things that we do have and some of things we do not have to go through or be burdened by. When I was a cosmetology teacher I started having my students write 3 things that they were grateful for to start the day. The reason I asked the students to do this was because every person in the class had a life outside of that classroom and some people had rougher situations to deal with than others, I wanted the students minds to be in a place ...

Monday Motivation for Nov 16th - "Consistent Prayer Challenge"

Hello Everyone, Today I want to share something with you that I did last month and would like to invite you to challenge yourself to do the same. The challenge was to pray at the same time everyday for 21 days in a row. I partnered with my sister to do this, but I called it the "Consistent Prayer Challenge." From Oct 13, 2020 to Nov 2, 2020 I chose a time to spend in prayer. The purpose was to have a meeting with the Lord and to incorporate a structure time. This was the set up initially, to spend at least 15 minutes to praise and worship, petition to the Lord, and have silent meditation or to wait on God's response or encouragement. Utilizing 5 minutes for each. Well, of course, things did not go exactly as planned for the structure and sometimes it would be more than 15 minutes, but I found it refreshing to start my day this way and I felt like it was an intimate time with God that He was showing up for also, because I kept showing up. Of course, you can pray through...

Motivational Monday - Veteran's Day Week

Happy Veteran's Day to All of the Veteran's of the US Armed Forces! As some of you know, and other's do not, I am an US Army Veteran. I served in the Army Reserves in 1997-1999 with a Unit in Fort Belvoir, VA, and then completed my Inactive Ready Reserve time in Oct 2005, only to return for Active Duty with the US Army in 2006-2009, stationed at Fort Hood, TX and Camp Carroll, South Korea. As a woman in the military, I learned that serving your country was not easy, but it had meaning and I was able to dig deeper and found out that I had strength that I did not know I possessed until I was tested. There were many days that were long and hard to get through, but I persevered and stayed resilient and was able to make it through as a beautiful warrior. Today, my encouragement is to those that might feel like they lost their fight in life, their reason, their purpose. It is not over, you have more fighting to do, you cannot give up on yourself. It is time to make your mission,...

Monday Motivation for November 2nd

Hello Everyone, Today is Monday again, but this is a time that none of us have been a part of before. We are in a world of unknown things, and we have a chance to decide how we will think, how we will continue on, how we can keep going. Sometimes we need to take a moment and just breathe, other times we need to dig deep and pray. We are all diverse people, but we are all here and we can decide to love ourselves, not give up on ourselves, or our dreams, or our families, and continue on a path of purpose. Be encouraged today and know that you have a choice to have joy in the midst of chaos, be calm in the midst of chaos, and start looking deeper than the surface for answers to the issues we all face in life. Have a good week and try to be productive on purpose. Make sure you vote. Monique Lyn elle Gray

Monday Motivation

Hello Everyone and Happy Monday, I have been sending out Monday Motivations to my co-workers for the past few months and continue to get good feedback about it. I spoke with a person about it today and decided to share it with you. Life has been challenging this past year and beyond for many, but sometimes we need to look past our current moment to reach our highest potential. Prayer works for me and setting my priorities on things that will bring about great results. During this time we have to do more self-care and feed our soul with things that are encouraging us to continue to move in the right direction. I am able to continue on by placing God first, loving myself, and sharing my story of overcoming with others. Have a great productive week. Monique Lyn elle Gray

Highlighting - Blessed in the Midst of the Storm - Book Talk with Monique Lynelle

 Hello Again Everyone, Welcome back to Monique Lynelle's Living with a Purpose. Today we are going to highlight my book entitled Blessed in the Midst of the Storm .  A story of trials and triumphs, ups and downs, let downs and blessings. Dealing with issues from a Godly perspective and showing blessings during the storms in life. Facing life head on with Godly principles. Using faith and confidence in the truth about God’s promises to make wise decisions and keep hope in the heart of the storm. No one is exempt from adversity during his or her journey. Falling and getting back up, while keeping your faith in God is key, along with keeping your eyes on Christ Jesus you can live a victorious life, and be thankful for your blessings in the midst of the storm. Please take a look at the Book Talks with Monique Lynelle to find out more about the book overall and then we go deeper with each chapter. The first 4 chapters have been released, but the final 4 chapters will be ...