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Monday Motivation for Nov 16th - "Consistent Prayer Challenge"

Hello Everyone, Today I want to share something with you that I did last month and would like to invite you to challenge yourself to do the same. The challenge was to pray at the same time everyday for 21 days in a row. I partnered with my sister to do this, but I called it the "Consistent Prayer Challenge." From Oct 13, 2020 to Nov 2, 2020 I chose a time to spend in prayer. The purpose was to have a meeting with the Lord and to incorporate a structure time. This was the set up initially, to spend at least 15 minutes to praise and worship, petition to the Lord, and have silent meditation or to wait on God's response or encouragement. Utilizing 5 minutes for each. Well, of course, things did not go exactly as planned for the structure and sometimes it would be more than 15 minutes, but I found it refreshing to start my day this way and I felt like it was an intimate time with God that He was showing up for also, because I kept showing up. Of course, you can pray throughout the day, and any time you choose, but the point is to be consistent. Right now in our country and world there are many things and situations that are currently going on that cause distress for many, and we cannot solve these issues by ourselves. Many people feel alone, many are upset for one reason or another. Some people feel lost, some are in poverty, some have no belief, faith, or religion. With that said, regardless of who you are, now is the time to bring healing and to activate your faith. If you do not know or believe in God, this is a great time to ask God to show up in your life. Bottom line is we need prayer, so if you'd like to do a challenge similar, I challenge you to set a time to pray, and then try to commit to praying for our country for 7 days straight. If you do not know how to pray, I will post some of my prayers and I will pray for our country. Try not to be selfish in your prayer, be respectful to God, HE created the heavens and the earth. Try not to complain, but show gratitude and thanks for your life and the things you have been blessed with. Our country as a whole needs to repent, which means to stop the things you are doing that are considered sins to God, confess those things and change and go toward what God would have for you. I am not here to preach, but these are evil days and many people have no direction, so this is my suggestion. To be healed anyone would say to seek a healer, right? To be delivered, you would want to seek a deliverer, etc. The results I got from doing this challenge is a closer relationship with the God head, as I know it to be the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Now if you happen to believe differently, please pray that God would show you the truth, ask God to reveal the truth about who HE is, and pray not to be deceived, and you always have a choice from there. I was able to see that making God a priority made things clearer, and helped me understand that I can make it through the roughest of times being connected to HIM. I am not perfect and neither is this world and we need understanding, empathy, compassion, unity, the ability to listen to one another, direction to the right path, and peace. If you do this challenge for at least 7 days, please pray for our country, our leaders and their minds, will and emotions in leading our country, and a peaceful transition of power. Thank you for your time, and be encouraged, we can make it through this time. Be strong and of good courage. Monique Lyn elle Gray


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