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Motivational Monday - Veteran's Day Week

Happy Veteran's Day to All of the Veteran's of the US Armed Forces! As some of you know, and other's do not, I am an US Army Veteran. I served in the Army Reserves in 1997-1999 with a Unit in Fort Belvoir, VA, and then completed my Inactive Ready Reserve time in Oct 2005, only to return for Active Duty with the US Army in 2006-2009, stationed at Fort Hood, TX and Camp Carroll, South Korea. As a woman in the military, I learned that serving your country was not easy, but it had meaning and I was able to dig deeper and found out that I had strength that I did not know I possessed until I was tested. There were many days that were long and hard to get through, but I persevered and stayed resilient and was able to make it through as a beautiful warrior. Today, my encouragement is to those that might feel like they lost their fight in life, their reason, their purpose. It is not over, you have more fighting to do, you cannot give up on yourself. It is time to make your mission, yourself. The same way you fought for your country, you can fight for your soul, your peace of mind, your sanity, your joy. Some people have not served in the armed forces, but their life has been filled with battles, don't give up on yourself, your dreams, your faith in God, because those things will help fuel you to the victory you are destined to have. Make wise decisions and as we used to say in the Army "Stay Alert, Stay Alive." Your life matters, make it count. Monique Lyn elle Gray (Former Married Name "Harper")


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